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Mend Range Rover 25 Battery

range rover 2.5 dse 1995. battery goes flat if left for more than a week. ?

if i leave my car for a week(often less) without useing,the battery goes flat.also when entering the key code sequence(at the door lock with the key) it often deadlocks and i usually have to break in to gain entry.please can anyone help...

derek irving
June 2010
I had this problem too. It is due to the increase in radio frequency usage in proximity to your car, for example wireless burglar alarms, wireless TV transmitters and probably also wireless broadband. What happens is that the car picks up a signal, wakes up the car security system to check if it is a valid signal to unlock the doors, finds it is not but then stays alert for a few minutes before sleeping again. There are 2 ways you can solve this: A) Disconnect the antenna from the key fob receiver unit under the shelf on the right (offside) of the boot, the down side to this is that you must hold your keyfob to the window next to the receiver and press the button to unlock your doors, but it is free (This is the option I am using). B) Buy a new receiver unit from Land Rover at over £150, which has been modified to look at a smaller range of frequencies. Have more of a look here Good luck.

November 2010
thanks jonny,

June 2010
u will prob find u have a live circuit stuck open which is draining a interior light or radio altho not on .or eath problem/wiring fault. Or could be a duff battery.get the battery tested then test it ur self by disconecting the battery befoore u leave it stood the connect it when u want 2 use it because battery testers wont show a dead cell will only show if 3 or 4 cells are dead.if its dead battery it is

June 2010
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