My Sears Craftsman 6.0 lawnmower, 22" power gear drive won't move when I place it in gear. It tries to go forward but its slipping in gear box. Gears to wheel are O.K. Model #917.377151. Can I repair gear box or do I have to replace it.
my challenge hover Mower M1G-ZP2-280E does not turn on
June 2010
my challenge hover mower will not turn on have changed fuse but still no good
June 2010
Most of these gearboxes are non repairable, i think a new box will be needed, make absoulutly sure the pawls and pinions are working correctly, take both wheels off support rear of mower, engage drive, are the gearbox shafts turnining ok, if yes its an issue with the pawls and pinions.