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My desktop properties stuck on a white screen?

After getting rid of a trojan horse my desktop properties are stuck on a white screen. It boot up with an image BUT a white screen pop over it and won;t allow me to change it to any other inamge. Any suggestions??? Sony pcv-rz24g

April 2006
This worked for me - thanks!

December 2010
Thanks & this is the best answer

December 2010
my all screen is white? please help me. thanks
I try to restart but it does not work

November 2010
Thank's for the finest answer.

June 2010
THANKYOU!!!! thankyou thankyou thnankyou!!!! 4 years later, and this is still the best answer i got from browsing the web!! it worked! thankyou again xxx

April 2010
OMG! Thank you so much. This has been killing me. Paul

January 2010
Thanks Steven i have had that problem for ages and you finally helped me fix it.

Luke Pevey
November 2009
Mine is the same as rauls. it only shows three tabs and i can't find customize desktop

Joe 4 Sho
September 2008
my desktop get white and display properties showing only 3 options themes, apperance and setting

August 2008
Whoever you are....I love you! I've been killing myself, trying to find an answer. This did it! Thanks!

November 2007
The white screen that is coming over the top is the active desktop. The trojan will have set an image to the active desktop and when you removed the trojan the image went as well leaving a white screen. You need to turn off the active desktop. To do this goto the control panel from the start menu and select DISPLAY. Select the tab that says DESKTOP the choose CUSTOMIZE DESKTOP. In the new menu that pops up selct the tab that says WEB. In the white box in the middle of the screen will be a list of webpages that can be displayed on your desktop. Remove any ticks in the boxes next to them and if possible highlight them and click REMOVE. Click OK on this menu and OK on the display properties menu. Reboot your machine. If your desktop still comes up as white or if the DESKTOP option has been removed from your display properties menu then you have not removed all traces of the trojan and some parts of it are still active on your computer. I had this once and it was a right pain to get rid of. If this is the case then take a look at this guide on how to remove the trojan, there might be a step that you missed >>>

Hope this helps.

Steven Graham
April 2006
Mend Computers, Virus Removal
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Mend Computers, Virus Removal
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