Heres what I would try first. Its possible that when you broke the cord and tried to reconnect the wires that you reversed the polarity. Meaning... there are two wires in the power cord. For an example.... lets call one wire + and the other wire -
You might have changed the wire ends... so instead of being + + and - - You have them + - and - + try switching the wires around. Also make sure when you do repair the wires... that you use a good electrical black tape. When you reconnect one wire... wrap it with black tape. then connect the other and wrap it seperatly from the other wire. The wrap both together. When wrapping the wires sereratley... Go around the wire several times. Im thinking that its possible that you might have some exposed wires touching each other. That might be the popping you heard... or the fuse. So get some more fuses.... if it doesnt work the first time and "Pops" again dont replace the fuse and try it again. You are going to have to find where the power cord is shorting. Is there another spot where the cord is crushed or damaged? Please make sure that you do not have the TV plugged in to the wall when you do any electrical repairs.
Good Luck,
March 2006