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Mend Sewing Machines

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Mend > Sewing Machines

Mend Janome Machine Going

Can I fix janome machine?

I was using my mom-in-laws machine which I thought was going a little slow when suddenly there was a small "pop" , smoke came from out of the top of the machine and the smell of burning plastic, the light went out so all power has gone from the machine. Can this be repaired I assume something has burnt out

October 2009
Thanks for your answer how do tell wich is the supressor are there any diagrams. Is it in the top of machine or botton

October 2009
Hello Juels,
Chances are it is the suppressor that has blown which is either on the side of the motor or in the motor, if you can get to it then you can replace it easily or just discard because you don't need them now, if it is difficult to get to or if it is inside the motor you will need a shop repair.

October 2009
Mend Household Appliances, Sewing Machines
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Mend Household Appliances, Sewing Machines
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