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Mend Washing Machines

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Mend > Washing Machines

Mend Paykel Turn Washing

Cold water not filling Fisher Paykel ecosmart GWL11 washer?

When I turn on my Fisher Paykel ecosmart GWL11 washing machine selecting cold water I only get a tiny burst of water followed by a dribble. After 4 minutes the machine does its musical beeping and the hot and cold lights flash red simultaneously. The hot water is working perfectly. I have disconnected the hose at both ends and nothing is clogged. With the cold hose attached to the wall and disconnected from the machine I have tested it and plenty of water comes through the hose. The small white plastic filter inside the washer connection is also clean. Is there anything else I can check or is it time to call a repairman?

June 2009
Success. I have installed the cold water valve - actually not that difficult - and the machine is working well.Thanks for the help guys!

July 2009
Thank you Johnny Hotpoint and Lincoln Appliance. I have ordered a cold water valve(not sure if it is also known as the inlet valve) from a local appliance store. The gentleman there used an old washer to show me how to open it up and how to swap out the valve. Hopefully in a few days I'll have a functioning washer again. Thank you for telling me what to ask for.

July 2009
You have done all the right things in checking filters & water supply etc. You will need to have a new inlet valve fitted. Fairly easy to do yourself if you are confident. If not then call a service company. Shouldn't cost too much but get a couple of phone quotes first from different companies. Their is a big difference in callout fees from one to the other.

Lincoln Appliance NZ
June 2009
doris you need to replace the cold water valve
simple job but you must remove mains plug first

johnny hotpoint
June 2009
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Mend Household Appliances, Washing Machines
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