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Epson CX6400: how to reset after servicing?

Printer says printer error, onscreen report says printer parts have reached end of life, needs epson service. I know what the problem is - gummed up cleaning mechanism - but how can I "tell" the printer/computer that it has been fixed?

Tim Burbridge
May 2009
Yes this is correct search for ssc or epson ipr (ink pad reset) hopefully u would have sorted it by now im looking for a european version of the ipr as i have a dx4450 which is a cx4450 but namechanged for europe. epson have not released any software for the dx series and ssc does not seem to work for me so my printer is dead for now

darren w
June 2009
Search the internet for a small program (it is free to download and use) it allows the full reset of almost any type of printer. The reason your printer is showing this message is that there is a pad within the printer that catchs any drips from the ink cartridge and after a time it becomes wet. So you have to get an "Expert" to reset it and change the pad.

Mike H
May 2009
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