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Mend Renault Master Vans

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Mend Renault Master Plug Light

renault master 2.2 deisel glow plug light ?

somthing is draining my battery but when i do start it some of the dash lights are staying on i.e seatbelt light,glow plug light,air bag, and when im driving along it just cuts out then starts again can you please help........

jennifer hardy
April 2009
hi jennifer,im a mechanic by trade and worked at renault until recently... you dont say wot year ur van is but these vans do suffer with relay problems situated under a black cover behind the nearside front headlamp....pull them out one at a time and check the terminals are clean,also these vans are prone to glow plug issues but the plugs can be somewhat of nightmare to remove.....tread with caution if you attemt to take them out as they can snap ok!

April 2009

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