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Mend Satellite Receivers

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Mend > Satellite Receivers

Mend Eurovox Ex5100 Pvr

Eurovox Ex5100 PVR?

I just got the above eurovox yesterday, in the infromation sheet it asks to download a program for this box at, when i go into download the program it asks for com port 3, no matter which com port i plug my usb connecter into, then when i press start it says ' waiting for response from your receiver' and nothing else happens, could you let me know what i'm doing wrong please, thanks in advance

March 2009
sky 1 has scrambled when i have done a deep scan it has disappeared altogether .. any ideas


June 2009
brenda , are you useing a usb to 9 pin rs232 port " the lead that your useing to link the pc up to the box " has a usb on one and and a com port on the other ? the problem with this is that the pc dont know its there , because you have no drivers on the pc to tell it thats its there "you should be useing a null cable" that has 9pin male ports on each end, if you look at the back of your pc , and see if you can see rs232 port, its the same as the one on the back of the eurovox, il check back here ,, mick 16.50 pm

March 2009
Mend Video, Satellite Receivers
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Mend Video, Satellite Receivers
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