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Mend Whirlpool Tumble Dryers

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Mend > Tumble Dryers

Mend Whirlpool Power Start Fuse

Whirlpool Electric Tumble Dryer Model 3RAWZ480E?

We have the whirlpool tumble dryer 3RAWZ480E and the unit has power to it but will not start at all. Is there an in line fuse that needs replacing or is the problem something else.

Ian Ingledew
January 2009
how do I know if its simply a fuse - same model worked yesterday fuse to socket is fine - filters all clean - will not start at all - what should I check please

July 2011
there is an in line 20mm 6.3a fuse in the wiring loom in the top left hand side under the top cover and under the silver cover it is wrapped in loom tape so is hard to find (or it was on mine)

nigel clark
January 2009
Mend Household Appliances, Tumble Dryers
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Mend Household Appliances, Tumble Dryers
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