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Mend Brake Light Bulb

How to change a rear VW Caddy brake light bulb?

How to change a rear VW Caddy brake light

June Pettitt
November 2008
Thanks, this was very helpful.

June 2015
Do remember to check the fuse first, i didnt. *facepalm*

February 2012
Thanks Guys,
What a pain in ar#e that is!

November 2009
Hello there

The first time I looked it had me thinking as well???

I phone my mate at the local VW workshop I visit them to do wheel alignment, so I know the right guy to ask.

He said look harder??

1st open rear doors, 2nd plastic cover vertical panel thats under the rubber cable tube REMOVE use flat blade screwdriver under top edge, you may think we're going to brake it! hidden under this panel is 2 screws remove the screws then push lamp unit to the out side of van its held in 2 ball sockets, un-clip wiring connector bulb holder is held in by acouple of no.7??? torx bit screws and after all that its the top bulb.

Easy? and just think on this? in main land europe you've got to carry spare bulbs but what use is that if you need to find a VW garage to change the b----- bulb,

I hope this is of some help

September 2009
sound horse

vw caddy
April 2009
Thanks Stuart, your answer helped me. The black plastic is a little hard to take off. If you gently pull the black trim where it meets the break indicator lenses with the tips of your fingers it pops off.

April 2009
open back door , pull away rubber seal from edge , pull black trim off light cover gently away from the light cluster , this will then let you see the 2 screws which hold the light cluster in , undo these and the light cluster pullout to the side of the van . undo the 2 screws on the back of the cluster and you get to the bulbs .

November 2008
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