hi flip the plastic on the main wiper, under there is a water hose connected disconnect this ,unless its broken,
undo the main nut pull wiper arm off then you go inside,
you take the inside cover off then you want a 8mm drill to drill out the 3 rivets there is a plastic gear wheel inside most
commen fault is teeth missing but if you have any
luck please can you let me know as they are as rare
as rocking horse poo! mine as taken the teeth of the plastic gear wheel,my motor is fine.
well good luck paul
undo the main nut pull wiper arm off then you should
have it off inside, there is a plastic gear wheel most
commen fault is teeth missing but if you have any
luck please can you let me know as they are as rare
as rocking horse poo! mine as taken the teeth of the plastic gear wheel moter is fine.
paul jones on spikeshaz@hotmail.com
November 2008