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Mend Sears Lawn Mowers

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Mend Sears Lawn Tractor Engage

sears lawn tractor 19.5 will not stay running when I try to engage the blad?

lawn tractor will not stay running when I try to engage the blade or when I release the clutch lawn tractor is a 42" 19.5 hp sears

John Brawner
June 2008
The answer is as stated above. The seat switch. I was having the same problem. Checked the switch for proper connection and TA DA, works fine.
Thanks I fixed my sears lawn tractor for free!

July 2008
can you move the blades, if not then they are frozen just like mine, I was told it was the switch under the seat too.

June 2008
there is also a safety switch for the blade engagement

June 2008
Almost certainly you have a faulty seat switch. The functon of this is to cut the engine if you get off the seat with either/or the brake off or cutters engaged. Can be bypassed, but should really be replaced for safety.

Phil Saunders
June 2008
Mend Garden Tools, Lawn Mowers
Click here to mend Sears lawn mowers

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