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Mend Craftsman Chainsaws

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Mend Craftsman

Can't get Craftsman Chainsaw(42cc C944.418460) to idle?

My chainsaw was getting very hard to strart. I pulled the carb off and cleaned everything. I have not yet changed the diaphram, but everything looked in good condition. All fuel filters, air filtes are clean. The muffler is clean. I set the carb to recommended specs( idle screw to about 4.5 turns from all the way in), the the low & high air mixture screws are both out 1 and a half turns from closed. But I can't get the machine running. If i pull the choke out, and push it back in the motor will run, but as soon as I pull the throttle and let it go the motor dies. Any suggestions.

May 2008
i have same prob will not star but i took carb off and got 90 psi compression?????? cleaned the carb tonight going to put it back together tommorow ..... cant remember how the throtle cable hooks up any help cuz i put it were i thought it should go and there is no tension.

November 2008
mines doing the same thing...its about 3 1/2 years old and i pulled the top end apart. i cleaned all the junk off the top off the piston {the gray char} and the inside of the cylinder. then i replaced the spark plug. cleaned the tank with fresh fuel. started right up

July 2008
How old is the machine? This sounds like classic symptoms of leaking crankshaft oil seals. This is death to a 2 stroke, because they rely on an airtight crankcase. If the seals are leaking, no crankcase compression = no go. The only option other than replacement is a complete engine strip. Seals cost pennies, but the cost of the labour involved means you will have go do the job yourself.

Phil Saunders
May 2008
Mend Garden Tools, Chainsaws
Click here to mend Craftsman chainsaws

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Mend Garden Tools, Chainsaws
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