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Mend Turn Checked Shut

my 57h81 automaticly turn off when i turn it on?

Ive checked the fuses which are all okay. I've also replaced the convergence ic's. Still, when you turn on the tv. It automaticly goes to shut down mode. With the red LED light blinking. Can anyone help me on this.

Hector Yanez
March 2008
hello, i cant help sorry. but mine is doing exactly the same thing-and was wondering if you found out what it was...mines a 42" samsung plasma which is only a year old! and it just switches itself off after 4minutes of use and makes a CLICK-Click-click noise....please get back to me if you know a solution

Ive made sure the plug is going to the wall and not through any extension leads etc, and have checked all the settings via the remote....

Many Thanks Hayley x

April 2008
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