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Mend Renault Kangoo Vans

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Mend Renault Kangoo Manual Haynes

Renault Kangoo manual?

Having checked Haynes for a Renault Kangoo manual (not yet in print) does anyone know if there is one available?

many thanks

February 2008
I have been looking for the same. I was in halfords today and they told me the clio was the same. Haynes manual 3906 which I have just ordered from Amazon at nearly half the price.

November 2011
does any one know where i can get a free manual for renault kangoo 1.9 diesel van

June 2011
can you tell me what fuse for the sidelights y reg kangoo

September 2010
i'm told they won't bring one out 'cos they haven't sold enough vans, but as the kangoo's based on the clio you can use that manual for the majority of electric/mechanical information.

September 2010
The downloadable Dialogys manual to which I referred earlier is from It is a bit of a pain downloading and installing but it does give you some basic information. Haynes manual it is not, in my opinion. It cost me £20 for the downloadable version.

Nige S
March 2010
I have just purchased a manintenance CD on Ebay. It is supposed to be comparable with the Haynes manual but I haven't received it yet.

Nige S
March 2010
There is something called dialogys I think which does a very basic manual but gives some help if you find the vehicle type on the driver's door post and perhaps the engine type from the maker or dealer etc

Nige S
March 2010
how do i change a drive shaft and cv joints on my 2000 plate kangoo

March 2010
haynes do not have one because it costs 1,000,000 pounds 2 print?

a mills
February 2010
can you overide demobiliser

January 2010
I bought the Haynes Clio Manual - tells you just about all you need to know.

Peter Elliott
October 2009

June 2009
No I checked direct with Haynes a few years ago when i purchased by Kangoo van they said not enough vans were made to justify printing a manual. Its very fustrating as finding answers to faults can be very difficult.

Austin UK
May 2009
I`ve got one, it is called Pocket Mechanic A5 size. It covers 1.5,1.9 diesels and 4x4 2001-2006, its not great but better than nothing. It is by Peter Russek manuals ( 440829. I got mine on Ebay, I used to see them on a cd disc but not for a while now. Hope this helps.

September 2008
Did you ever find one

david Whitehead
August 2008 has a digital manual for sale for £10

M. Baker
August 2008
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