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Mend Electrolux Vacuum Cleaners

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Mend > Vacuum Cleaners

Mend Electrolux

electrolux elite canister schematic?

I am looking for a schematic for an electrolux canister vac. I have one that cuts off if you put a hand over the hose or on the vac hose opening. It is as though it has a full bag.

January 2008
I took my electrolux vacuum apart, disconnecting the wires and am not sure how to connect them back.
It's a cannister model about 5 years old.
My wife is freaking out on me, Please can anyone help?

April 2010
The control valve has gone bad. This is the dial that you move on the top of the vacuum that has little indents on it.
You cannot do anything to bypass this problem from outside the machine.
This is not a repair that you can make yourself. You should look in your local yellow pages for Aerus (new name for electrolux) under vacuum cleaners, or go to and find your local dealer. It is not too expensive to have fixed, it is a common issue with later model electroux vacuums.

You can try a test to see if it the valve. Remove the bag from the vacuum, look at the back of the bag holder near the motor, in the upper right or left depending on your model. You will see a very small hole 1/16 or an inch or so. Put a piece of tape of some sort to close off the hole. Replace the bag, turn on the vacuum, if it is a bad valve, the tape will override the bag full action, and the vacuum will run.

It is not advisable to run the vacuum this way since it will overheat, damage the thermostat, and can destroy the motor. A motor will cost over $200.00, the valve can be replaced for a lot less….

January 2008
Mend Household Appliances, Vacuum Cleaners
Mend repair fix Electrolux vacuum cleaners

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Mend Household Appliances, Vacuum Cleaners
Mend repair fix Electrolux vacuum cleaners