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Mend Pipe Cistern Flush

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We have 49 questions about mending 'pipe cistern flush'

How to mend ... Pipe Cistern Flush

Pages 321
Mend broken toilet flush

Broken overflow pipe how do I fix it?

The overflow pipe from the toilet cistern has been broken flush to the wall. How do I repair it?
Mend flush pipe loo flush

Is my upward sloping flush pipe giving my loo a weak flush?

The flush pipe from the bottom of my concealed cistern starts too low so enters the wall mounted loo at 5ยบ be... [Read more]
Mend toilet flush loud

how can i fix my toilet?

When I flush the toilet it makes a loud noise when it fill back up but if I hold the pipe with my hand for abo... [Read more]
Mend will not flush

How can I fix my air operated toilet which will not flush?

If I blow down the pipe it still does not work and I hear the water bubbling in the cistern I think
Mend down flush pipe

Macdee pneumatic cistern leaks water down the flush pipe?

After filling to the 6 litre mark a very small leakage occurs down flush pipe and not from the overflow. Check... [Read more]
Mend control fill water

pneumatic control ?

hi, when i fill the cistern with water it does not fill up and runs through the flush pipe, do i need to do an... [Read more]
Mend single flush roca

My single flush roca cistern will not refill after flush,seems theres abloc?

My roca single flush consealed toilet cistern will not refill after flush .replaced small inlet pipe but there... [Read more]
Mend loud noise ideas

loud noise when flush pulled?

loud pipe vibration noise when cistern is filling up. any ideas
Mend replace washer flush

How to replace outlet washer on a Caroma back-to-wall dual flush toilet?

I need to replace the outlet washer on my Newport back-to-wall toilet. There is a copper pipe partially across... [Read more]
Pages 321

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