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Mend Rover Cars

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Mend Rover

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We have 1872 questions about mending 'rover' in category Vehicles, Cars

How to mend ... Rover

Pages 65432
Mend reg head torque

r reg rover head bolt torque settings?

torque bolt settings on a r rgistered rover
Mend reset radio code

how can i re-set my car radio code Rover 214?

how do i reset my car radio code for a Rover 214
Mend low setting off

car rattles at low revs setting off?

when setting off and deprssing the clutch my car shakes n grinds like mad rover 214si 1997
Mend drive miles clock

Rover metro overheating?

I only have to drive about 2 miles and my metro overheats. The gauge goes off the clock and steam hisses out o... [Read more]
Mend spark alternator battery

how can i fix my Rover 414?

my Rover 414 will not start. i have renewed spark plugs, alternator and changed battery, what else could it be... [Read more]
Mend change automatic gearbox

how do i change a rover metro automatic gearbox?

hi mate can u tell me how to change the gearbox on a 1.4 rover metro automatic please mate
Mend brake pads brakes

how do i replace front brake pads on my rover 200?

my brakes are squealing on my rover 200. I think the pads need replacing how do i do it
Mend 200 16 16 valve r

rover 200 1.6 16 valve r reg?

how do i remove the power steering belt so i can fit the V belt
Mend rover change pads

Rover 220 Brakes?

How do i change the pads and discs on my Rover 220 coupe n reg
Mend reg wont start

My Rover 214i P reg wont start?

This is an intermittent fault - The car is ok during the week when I travel to work (approx 13 miles) - and ba... [Read more]
Mend light rover engine

how do i get the red light off srs airbag on a rover 600 series?

there is a red srs light that remains on when engine running for the airbag .how do you remove it or can it no... [Read more]
Mend help light series


how do you get the airbag srs light to go out on a rover 600 series
Mend windscreen wipers 200

How can I fix my windscreen wipers on my Rover 200 so they park ??

My windscreen wipers work OK except when switched off they do not park. Rather than buy a new motor is it pos... [Read more]
Mend blue white orange

how to wire a sterling touch immobiliser?

Can anyone tell me how to connect up this immobiliser please the colour rings are 2 blue, 2 white, 1 orange, 1... [Read more]
Mend car start fine

how do i disconnect my immobiliser on mw rover 214si ?

car wont start, battery is fine, alarm sounds when turn key in ignition car wount even turn over how can i dis... [Read more]
Mend rover 214 16v

rover 214 sei 16v headgasket blown :(?

I have a rover 214sei it really like this car and i am reluctant to let it go the headgasket blew so a mechani... [Read more]
Mend help find garage

help me find a fob please?

where can i find a fob to turn of my imobaliser or the code?car is rover 214i and cant even find a garage that... [Read more]
Mend ideas car clutch

Any ideas on a rattling noise on the car when using the clutch?

Whenever I am parking, reversing using alot of clutch control I seem to be getting some sort of rattling noise... [Read more]
Mend rev 3000 rpm


my rover 214 si will not rev past 3000 rpm when drivig holding back any ideas
Mend problem reg battery

Rover 214se immobiliser problem?

I have an M reg rover 214 se i, i recently changed the battery and the immobiliser has kicked in, being a mach... [Read more]
Pages 65432

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