6 mins ago: Daf LF 45 roof beacons?

Mend Indesit Washing Machines

Household Appliances, Washing Machines howtomendit.com find out how to mend just about anything.

Mend Indesit

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We have 2562 questions about mending 'indesit' in category Household Appliances, Washing Machines

How to mend ... Indesit

Mend hot problem heat

the dryer doesnt get hot what could be the problem?

I have an Indesit WDG 1295W washer/dryer and the dryer wont heat up, what is likely to be the problem?
Mend starts cycle stops

f-02 is displayed on my indesit wie167?

my indesit wie167 is displaying f-02, it starts a cycle then stops 1 min in. spins faster than normal. checked... [Read more]
Mend runs time pump

Fault on Indesit IWC6125?

The machine fills and runs OK until it comes to drain time. The pump is working and the machine empties, but a... [Read more]
Mend 1100 washing machine

Indesit 1196w Omega 1100 washing machine?

Our machine suddenly turned off mid-wash today and in the process knocked out the lights upstairs. I went to t... [Read more]
Mend replaced years ago

Indesit WE13 washing machine opens during washes?

I replaced the door to my Indesit WE13 about 3 years ago. Now, the door opens during washes.
Mend indesit lock light

indesit WIA 111 - door lock light will not stay on?

when machine is switched on all the led's come on as usual but the red door lock light goes out and the machin... [Read more]
Mend washing machine problem

I have an Indesit WIL133 washing machine and have a problem?

I have an Indesit WIL 133 washing machine which has stopped working. The status of lights is as follows; All ... [Read more]
Mend indesit washing machine

how can i fix my indesit washing machine?

why is my washing maching tripping the fuse box
Mend mid cycle press

indesit wi143s?

My indesit wi143s has stopped working mid cycle all the lights work and we can select a cycle but when u press... [Read more]
Mend indesit evolution 1400

how to fix indesit evolution 1400?

I have a indesit evolution 1400 and it is stuck on F-03 what is the problem ?
Mend indesit machine black

Indesit wie167 washing machine difficulty removing filter cap?

I'm having trouble taking the black cover to the front filter off. The machine is displaying a F05 error messa... [Read more]
Mend indesit door seal

Indesit WE14 door seal replacement for beginners?

How do you remove the door seal please?
Mend door open cycle

indesit wd12x?

My Indesit WD 12X has a problem - the door handle won't open. I have tried putting it on another cycle but it ... [Read more]
Mend washing wash stops

how can i fix my indesit washing machine wia111?

My indesit wia111 washing machine is beginning the daily wash then stops half way through leaving if half ful ... [Read more]
Mend spin machine starts

Indesit ecosense omega 1200, doesn´t spin?

The machine starts up the program, but the cylinder doesn´t spin. Fills up and drains the water, belt intact... [Read more]
Mend machine cycle light

indesit wil 133?

when setting washing machine to any cycle, number 4 green light comes on and machine gos no further.
Mend washing machine displaying

How to fix washing machine indesit evo we165 ?

Its pressure switch is jammed on full its displaying f-05 how do I fix it
Mend bottom filter water

Leak from bottom right handside filter of indesit WD10?

I have just got a leak to,what i think is a water filter to the bottom of my washing machine.Initially I rotat... [Read more]
Mend remove front fine

indesit 1200 drum not going round?

remove the front drum seal and the drum goes around fine, refit the seal and the drum wont go round any ideas
Mend brushes washing machine

How to change brushes on wib 111 indesit washing machine?

Think the brushes need changing, does this need a professional? We tipped it on it's back and found where the... [Read more]

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