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Mend LG Televisions

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Mend Lg

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We have 260 questions about mending 'lg' in category Video, Televisions

How to mend ... Lg

Pages 98765
Mend black screen top

Two black lines running down tv screen?

I have two black lines running top to bottom of my 42inch lg plasma,can it be fixed?
Mend lg black screen

how cant i fix my LG plasma it went black the screen?

ho can i fit
Mend Video, Televisions

how can i fix my lg we-32q101p?

the picture is split in two by an inch wide black line.the right of the picture is on the left and vice versa.
Mend left side screen

How can I fix my LG 42LG5010?

Each time I swirch on the TV half (left side) of the screen is very dark and there is ghosting. the screen the... [Read more]
Mend 32 inch tv

32 inch lg flatscreen tv?

our tv has red light on tv, but tv wont come on its just recently been put up on wall
Mend Video, Televisions

widescreen tv?

I was given a LG flattron 29 inch tv it started just fine & then it just went out & a yuck smoke smell now whe... [Read more]
Mend 42inch lcd tv

where do i get one?

cost of a power pack for 42inch lcd tv lg make
Mend remote control stopped

How to fix LG 37LG3000 Lcd TV?

I have full picture but no sound. The remote control also stopped working at the same time as the sound going.... [Read more]
Mend picture box television

how do i get a picture?

hi i had virgin v+box installed engineer said i cannot get channels 1 2 3 4 5 only through the box i recently ... [Read more]
Mend lg lcd tv

my lg 42" lcd tv wont cum on?

the standby greenlight flashes then goes off.been like this for a wk no picture,sound nuthin!!any quick fix as... [Read more]
Mend lg wont turn

LG Plasma won't turn on?

lg42px3rv, no led on front panel, red led on rear tuner board. 240v onto power supply ip card. is fault on psu... [Read more]
Mend tv sound picture lg lcd

how can i fix my tv?

i have got sound but no picture on my lg lcd tv
Mend sound lg tv

how can i get picture and sound? on my lg rz32lz55?

i had added all the cables (that i needed) in the tv but no sound and picture comes on.
Mend screen turned black

my screen has turned black?

i don't have picture on my lg hd 32",i can still change chanel and listen to the voice,what can i do to fix it... [Read more]
Mend plasma coloured lines

how can i fix my lg plasma rz42px11?

it has got virtical coloured lines it has good sound
Mend 42 lg plasma tv

how to fix my 42" lg plasma tv?

my tv is showing coloured lines all down the screen how can i fix it?
Mend Video, Televisions

how can i fix my lg tv?

the menu keeps popping up and scrolling through the menu, and then powers on then off.
Mend lg thin down

my lg tv has thin blue lines down the screen why?

lg tv has thin blue lines down the screen why
Mend line down middle

how do i fix lg 42" plasma with a black line down the middle?

i have a lg 42" plasma with a 1" black line down the middle that i cant get off, other than that the tv works ... [Read more]
Mend lg lcd tv

how can i fix my lg 32lc46-zc lcd tv?

LG 32LC46-ZC TV. Audio problem. Audio on scart and analogue inputs, but no Audio on HDMI slots. I have used s... [Read more]
Pages 98765

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