3 hours ago: Daf LF 45 roof beacons?

Mend Nokia Mobile Phones

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Mend Nokia

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We have 719 questions about mending 'nokia' in category Telephones, Mobile Phones

How to mend ... Nokia

Mend Telephones, Mobile Phones

proplem wirh nokia 3110?

i have nokia 3110 and it alwase restart automatic could you please help me
Mend water damage question

Nokia 6300 water damage question?

Hi. I finally joined the millions of people who put their mobile through the washing machine. After a week of ... [Read more]
Mend open clean inside

how can i open a nokia 6300?

how can i open my nokia 6300 to clean the inside cover
Mend Telephones, Mobile Phones

Nokia n80?

How do you change the ribbon cable?
Mend switch nokia mobile

repair on/off switchnokia 6070?

repaion/off switch nokia mobile 6070
Mend Telephones, Mobile Phones

Nokia N-70 always with enhancement symbol?

Hi, Can anyone please tell me why my N-70 always have enhancement symbol on the front screen , like earphone,... [Read more]
Mend Telephones, Mobile Phones

how do i take ?

how do i take the front cover off the nokia 6500s ??????
Mend nokia photos phone

Nokia 3500c driver?

I need to download my photos and video clip from my Nokia 3500c hand phone to my PC (Window XP), unfortunately... [Read more]
Mend Telephones, Mobile Phones

repair backlight on nokia 6230?

phone fell into water,has now dried out and works perfectly, but I have to use it in a well lite area. as the ... [Read more]
Mend phone work working

How can I fix my Nokia 3110 Classic ?

The on/off button on my Nokia 3110 Classic mobile phone doesn't work. I kept it charged for a while and it was... [Read more]
Mend Telephones, Mobile Phones

nokia 7610 lcd prob?

Sir my when i ON my nokia 7610 the LCD white condition. may be software Prob.Plz tell me.How can i do
Mend help people calls

help my microphone in my nokia 6280 doesnt work?

hi can you help i can here the people talking to me but there is no volume on the reciving end of my calls i d... [Read more]
Mend Telephones, Mobile Phones

Nokia N95 8gb Select button?

Hi, My Nokia N95 8gb broke today, I dropped it down the stairs and the slide cover broke off and the cable att... [Read more]
Mend Telephones, Mobile Phones

how can i unrestrict my nokia 6300?

i have tried unlocking codes.my phone has now locked and cannot enter anymore codes
Mend black screen tiny inner

how can o fix black lines on the screen of my nokia6131?

tiny black lines 3 or 4 of them.the lowest is running. in the inner screen of my nokia 6131
Mend Telephones, Mobile Phones

How to fix media player in nokia 6300 ?

hi my nokia 6300 go on updating the music library whnever i try to open media player.I already updated my mobi... [Read more]
Mend Telephones, Mobile Phones

how can i fix my n82 speaker?

one of my nokia n82 speakers stopped working,how to fix it?
Mend Telephones, Mobile Phones

nokia 6500 ring tone?

How can I keep my personnalised ring tone,without it constantly changing back to the pre srt Nokia tone?
Mend unlock network nokia

how can i unlock the network on my nokia 1680c?

how can i unlock the network on my nokia 1680c
Mend Telephones, Mobile Phones

nokia mobile non camera phone ?

how can i change volume settings for ear when someone calling there voice is realy low theres no buttons on th... [Read more]

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