5 hours ago: Beko fridge/freezer not cold enough?

Mend General Clothing

Clothing, General Clothing
Find out how to mend it for free.

Mend > General Clothing

How can I fix a slippery zipper?

How can I mend menst trouser pockets?

A good pair of trousers have gone shiny at the rear?

I have a iron burn on my pants?

How can I tighten up my loose jeans zipper?

Mend Clothing, General Clothing

How can I mend my corduroy pants?

I have a pair of black corduroys that have ripped in the crotch area, forming a very large hole. I have had th... [Read more]
Mend Clothing, General Clothing

Corby 7700?

my press doesn’t get hot anymore
Mend Clothing, General Clothing

How to repair a hole in legging s from american giant?

how to repair a hole in stretch leggings?
Mend Clothing, General Clothing

Snaps get stuck?

The snaps on my husbands raincoat are hard to unsnap. He has a difficult time without help. Is there somethin... [Read more]
Mend problem sewing singer

How can I fix a reverse problem in my sewing machine?

I have a problem with my sewing machine singer 188u it's stuck on reverse.... How do I fix this problem Thank... [Read more]
Mend corby 7700 press

Corby 7700 trouser press?

Replace pad Corby trouser press
Mend Clothing, General Clothing

the threading on my suede coat by the zipper is coming off ?

At the bottom of the zipper where you put the two pieces together is coming unstitched. It's the tooth part. W... [Read more]
Mend Clothing, General Clothing

Reducing Waist size in mens trousers?

How to reduce waist size by pleating above rear trouser pockets
Mend Clothing, General Clothing

how can I fix a cigarette burn in a fleece?

How can I fix a cigarette burn in a fleece blanket
Mend Clothing, General Clothing

repair suit pants?

suit pants has " L ' shape tare caught on nail-- -how to fix it?
Mend Clothing, General Clothing

How to fix a vertical rip in corduroy pants?

So, I seem (no pun intended) to have a penchant for getting vertical rips/tears in my corduroy pants, usually ... [Read more]
Mend Clothing, General Clothing

how old is an 1/2 oz container of heddy fabric mending adhesive?

I have a 1/2oz container of fabric mending adhesive in perfect condition how old would this be?


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