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Mend Hair Straighteners

Mend Bathroom Appliances, Hair Straighteners
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Mend Bathroom Appliances, Hair Straighteners
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Mend > Hair Straighteners

Mend Work Ceramic Light

my ghd's won't work?

I used my ,ghd ceramic straightners the night before last and they were fine went to use them this morning and they won't come on, no light and no heat. Checked fuse but still won't work. They are approx 2 years old but only used approx 3 times a week. Please hepl!!!
Model number 3.1 B

sam tyler
November 2007
Hi Sam , sounds like the thermal fuse or one of the ceramic plates, i can have them fixed and back next day for you working good as new for £20.

mark gourlay
November 2007
Mend Bathroom Appliances, Hair Straighteners
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Mend Bathroom Appliances, Hair Straighteners
Find out how to mend hair straighteners