Hello Rebekah,
You are probably talking about the teeth underneath the throat plate, a screw muct have come loose on the bar that holds the teeth, what you need to do is select a long stitch,
take of the bottom of the machine so you can see underneath the teeth, th feed bar that the teeth are screwed on to has a larger screw on it, you need to slacken that screw off, push the teeth forwards as far as they will go, tighten the screw up and turn the balance wheel by hand towards you and look at the teeth, if you can't move the machine then you will need to move the teeth all the way back and try it, you will have to do this quite a few times until you see the teeth moving backwards and forwards, it may take you a bit of time but you will do it, any problems you can contact me drivewithken@blueyonder.co.uk
October 2007