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Mend Key Fob Ebay

Reprogramming new Cobra key fob?

I got a new fob off ebay and need to reprogramme it. Holding the two buttons together doesn't work. I have the security key thing and a code. Can I do it myself? It's the model with the two oval grey buttons .

Rob from Ireland
October 2007
can any1 tell me how to programme the key fob from a 98 renault megane to a cobra 5370 car alarm

February 2012
i have just got a car with a cobra keyless [1046] can any one tell me what the two buttons are for please

July 2010
I have bought a 1999 mk2 MX5 which has the mazda cobra alarm fitted - it came with 1 radio alarm button (2 button grey with little red light 7777) and 1 touch key. I have bought another alarm radio button but I cannot see where the touch key recepticle is? Help....

October 2009
Hi Rob

This was specified for a Cobra 5370, but it worked on my 6422, it may by worth a try. (My radio keyfob is cobra head with two grey buttons and does not have an led, I just held it on for ~15sec.)

Auto learning procedure for radio keys:

1. With the system disarmed switch 'ON' the ignition.
2. Insert a touch key into the touch key recepticle, the dash status L.E.D. will permanently illuminate.
3. Press both radio key buttons, together, until the radio key L.E.D. stops flashing and goes out (about ten seconds)
4. Release the buttons and the radio key L.E.D. comes 'ON'
5. Press one radio key button, the radio key L.E.D. blinks and the dashboard L.E.D. goes 'OUT' for one second.
6. Repeat steps 3 to 5 for all other legitimate radio keys. When all keys have been taught switch off the ignition. (The dashboard L.E.D. will go 'OUT').

I hope that this helps.

November 2007
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