hi the small button is a personal panic button that automatically sets the siren off to ward away intruders, the actual arm, disarm of the alarm is by the large button, the length of time to arm and disarm could be one of two , low power in remote or recieving ariel is bieng shielded by bodywork, does it work easier the closer you are or from a particular side of the car? locate system and look for a wire that will be the antennae usually brown or black with a sealed end, check it is not obstructed and in a position to clearly pick up the signal if all ok there will probably be a need to change the remote battery, obtain correct battery,stand within two feet or sit in vehicle change battery quickly and code may be retained, press button if nothing happens, stand with remote touching screen pressing both buttons led on keypad will extinguish then flash takes between 10 and 30 seconds, you should be able to operate alarm as normal
September 2007