I've just rewired my Concept Optima XM. It's a slightly different model to yours, but this is the procedure for mine.
I've fitted a few different models over the years, and they all tend to work the same way.
If you use the "Walk test" - then "trip" a sensor - door contact or PIR - the relevant zone light will light. You can use this to see which sensors are on which zones.
From "Day" mode, press PROG [All lights show], enter the Customer Code [Day and Tamper show]. System in Customer Programming mode.
Press 0 for Alarm Tests [Day, Tamper and Attack show]
System now in Test Mode.
Strobe test - 2, 0 to stop.
Bell test - 3, 0 to stop.
Low Sounder test - 4, 0 to stop.
High Sounder test - 24, 0 to stop.
WALK TEST - 5, 0 to stop.
Reset, reset - to go back to Day Mode.
Hope this helps
Richard Thorp
August 2007