Try blowing out the dust through the fan vent holes located under, at the rear, and just above the audio/video connections. You can very successfully remove dust through this method.
The fan unit is enclosed in a metal case and you will not be able to clean the fan by opening up the computer case. This is why I recommend just using compressed air such as the type you buy in an aerosol can from the computer-electronics store.
If you do need to open the case to replace the fan, the trickiest part is that you must remove the black trim piece that is just below the LCD screen. It is the part that covers the speakers and the power button is located in. To remove this, you must very carefully pry up from under it with a thin yet strong tool. There is risk of breaking the trim piece, so only do this with extreme care, and realize that the risk is your own and I am not responsible. The other screws are located under the unit and are obviously marked.
Once the black trim piece is removed, there will be a ground cable and I believe another wire connector to remove. There will be one screw that holds the keyboard in place, and then you will need to disconnect the thin wire cable that connects to the keyboard. This involves lifting up on a plastic piece on top of the connector and then sliding the connector from it's socket.
After the keyboard is removed, there will be a metal cover that needs to be removed next. Make careful notes regarding the location of all screws as some (case screws also) are of various length. Under the metal plate, you will see the location of the fan unit. I have not removed mine as of yet, so I cannot provide details. The screws will be visible so it should not be too difficult. One important thing to remember is that the fan unit includes a heat sink that bonds to the cpu. After removing this material you will need to replace it with similar material, or the liquid type material available at computer stores before you re-assemble. Failure to do this WILL result in the cpu overheating. The bonding material is what allows heat to transfer from the cpu to the heat sink and then the fan provides cooling. You will also need to discharge static before touching any electronic parts. You may want to purchase a grounding strap.
Re-assemble in reverse order, carefully remembering to re-connect cables and ground wire.
Here is a link to an affordable refurbished fan unit:
I am not connected with the above source in any way, so I am only providing it because I found them to be the most economical source.
I do not accept responsibility for any consequences related to using this information. You do so at your own risk. However, I do wish you success in your efforts.
August 2007