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Mend > Cassette Recorders

Mend Video, Cassette Recorders

vcr sony has no power?

my SONY vcr model SLV-X711AS when I switched it there was no power, I took the top of and found a gecko had got inside and it was sapped, I removed it and replaced the fuse(although the old fuse was ok) when I turn the power on now I can hear a noise when the ac lead is connected(very slight) but no joy when I push the on/standby switch, does it have an overload switch or something similar.

George Lister
June 2004
Faulty power supply. Check out the power supply section - it is in its own cage at the back where the mains comes in. Start with the three-terminal regulators (5V, 12V etc). Also check no faulty bridge diodes. Also check big capacitors. If there is wetness on the PCB, replace associated capacitor/s.

John Davies
June 2004

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