cant fully understand the question but it sounds like something is draining the battery overnight, did you get a new alarm fitted recently or a new stereo ,a lot of these things can kill a battery if not fitted properly ,,id also check the altenator ,and another thing id do is a compression check which any garage should be well able for ,as diesls dont need a spark they rely on compression for the power to happen ,a cold engine with poor rings will give very little compression ,so that could be why it requires so much heat from the glowplugs to kick in in the mornings ,i recomend you get this check done before you put any more money into the car as it can be expensive to get done ,and dont forget to mention to the person carring out the check that the compression could be totaly different when the engine is hot or cold ,you really need it done first thing in the morning ,then again after a days driving ,,,,,best of luck to ya man
March 2005