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Mend Vaillant Baths and Showers

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Mend Vaillant Boiler Switch Night

Vaillant combi boiler problem?

I have a switch 110 vaillant combi boiler.

it seems to have a mind of its own.
in the morning it comes on then goes off as it should, however at night it does not , it will carry on running even when the timer light has turned off and when I switch it to the off position. I have replaced the time switch (it is one unit that unplugs) but am baffled as to what the problem is. I have resorted to turning the unit off then on to stop the boiler activating but sometimes even this does not work?


June 2007
I have the same problem, my time moves as it should around the clock, but it stays on, and ignores the set times!!

January 2010
I've had the same problem on my Turbomax - I got around it by turning off the 'instant hot water' feature that keeps the temperature of the heat exchanger constant by turning on the boiler periodically. This means that when you turn the hot water tap on you have to wait longer for the water to get hot, but it seems to have fixed the problem.

The way to turn this off on a Turbomax is to turn the hot water temperature dial all the way to the left for a second, and then back to where it was. The green light should have disappeared, indicating that the feature has been turned off.

July 2007
Our turbomax does the same. It switches on & off when the water gets to a certain temperature, this is to stop the pipes freezing so we've been told. This does also happen in the summer time which baffles us.

June 2007
Mend Bathroom Appliances, Baths and Showers
Free repair help for Vaillant baths and showers

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Mend Bathroom Appliances, Baths and Showers
Free repair help for Vaillant baths and showers