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Mend Indesit Washing Machines

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Mend Indesit Bearings Told

how do i change the bearings in my indesit washer/dryer?

just been told that my 3 year old indesit washer/dryer's WD12 bearings need changing and that its not worth it because of the expense> Ive just found out the bearings are only £30 ish on the internet> Why then is it so expensive the change them?

Lynn Higginson
February 2005
Hi Lynn, The bearings are easily replaceable on the WD12 but there are two different versions of drum spider using different sized bearings and shaft seal. To find out the correct parts you need to measure the shaft size at the rear bearing - it will be either 22mm or 26mm (most common).
For 26mm - parts required are
Front bearing size = 6206 2Z
Rear bearing size = 6205 2Z
Shaft seal = C00082696 standard oil seal.

For 22mm - parts are:
For 26mm - parts required are
Front bearing size = 62052Z
Rear bearing size = 62042Z
Shaft seal = C00096186 oil seal.

Hope this helps.

February 2005
On Indesit machines you dont just change the bearings but you usually get a complete spider assembly with bearings?
Which I can supply!

K Kinnear 07980 918029
February 2005
Mend Household Appliances, Washing Machines
Mend repair fix Indesit washing machines

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