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Mend Indesit Washing Machines

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Mend Indesit Machine Power Switch

Indesit wn 1196 wg washing machine power switch?

How do I release main power switch from front panel.
I have replacement switch bit can't see how to release switch from the front panel.

Is it a twist, pull or hidden clip?

March 2020
Hi Robert,

Thanks for posting the soultion to this repair. I'm sure this will be useful for somebody else in the future!

Washing machine components seem to be made from plastics that self-destruct within five years these days, so your tip about warming them up is an excellent idea.

'Warmest' regards!

March 2020
Hi Rupert,
Many thanks for your quick reply! I have managed to get the switch out and I will explain how I did it. The lugs you mention are not accessible with the switch fitted.

This is a 25 year old machine and as such plastics are likely to be very brittle. I did not want to force anything in case the panel broke.

What I did was warm the panel where switch is with a hairdrier for a few minutes to make the plastic more flexible. I then carefully prised the switch out using a screwdriver.

It came out cleanly this way. I suspect without the warming the plastic would have broken.

I warmed things again before push fitting new switch.

Everything is all good now and my 'vintage' washing machine is back in action.

Best Regards

March 2020
I've no experience fitting this part, so take this answer as a possible suggestion. I've taken a look at the part online, and to me, it appers to have two delta shaped lugs on the protruding shaft with a seating groove behind. My guess is that the switch pushes into place from behind and this two lugs lock it into place. On that basis, i'd suggest using a pair of pliers or similar to compress both lugs at the same time, whilst pulling the switch backwards. Failing that, if you have a new part, maybe try destroying the plastic switch body a little bit at a time until it gives way, whilst being careful not to damage it's mounting point.
Would be useful if you could post a reply on how you managed it in the end for future reference.

March 2020
Mend Household Appliances, Washing Machines
Find out how to mend Indesit washing machines

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Mend Household Appliances, Washing Machines
Find out how to mend Indesit washing machines