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Mend Craftsman Grass Trimmers

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Mend Craftsman Put Pull Rope

How do I put on another pull rope?

I have a Gas powered Craftsman Weedwacker 32cc. The pull rope on our weedwacker broke, so I had to buy a new one. They would not put it on for me so I am really needing some good advice on how to put it on.
Thank You,

April 2007
Just found out more. After you take the plastic off and expose clutch. Take the screw out of the end with a long thin flat screw driver. You may have to use a flashlight to see there is a screw in the end of the shaft (same place where drive cable goes in). Then take clutch apart. You will see half the clutch stays on and it says "off" with an arrow. You put the end of the shaft in a vice and tap with a screw driver and hammer the half clutch in the off direction. It starts to unthread easily. Then the rest is easy. Just fix the rope in the recoil, of course you will need a small 20 torx just to make it a little more complex, but just install the rope and reassemble everything. Easy? right? Good Luck.
June 2007
it is very difficult on your model, as I am finding out. After you get it apart, clutch is not coming off and plastic housing is in the way of getting to the end of the rope... UGH!

Take it to Sears Repair Shop!

June 2007
Take the housing off that contains the rope. Remove broken rope. Thread new rope through handle and tie it off. Thread other end through recoil housing and hole in plastic and tie off. Grab a piece of rope between the plastic and recoil housing and pull enough into the housing to wind the spring up. This is done be placing a piece of the rope in a notch in the plastic and rotating the plastic rope holder clockwise (I think). When you think you have wound the spring enough, take the notch back to hole in the housing and take the slack out. It should now pull the rope in. You may have to do this again if it is not pulling the rope all the way in.

April 2007
Mend Garden Tools, Grass Trimmers
Find out how to mend Craftsman grass trimmers

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Mend Garden Tools, Grass Trimmers
Find out how to mend Craftsman grass trimmers