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Mend Craftsman Grass Trimmers

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Mend Craftsman Weed Eater Will Not

CRAFTSMAN WEED EATER will not start?


Jason H
March 2007
This is worse than a chain saw because it won't start and if it does, it will only run for a few seconds. I forsee a severe temper fit coming on and this thing destroyed. All I can say is, "Buy an ECHO"!!!!! This Craftsman is a P.O.S.!!!

Angry Consumer
May 2011
when i give it gas it will die

June 2010
it is a junk weed eater dont buy them

July 2009
Having the same problem with mine. It is actually made by Poulan(2 yrs old) Tinkered with it alot last year, then went bought a poulan at Wal Mart; and they are identical except for the color of the plastic housing. This year the poulan wouldn't start. After pulling off the Carb. about 3 times from the Craftsman, blowing it out changing the plug(and later putting it back cause it was still like new, very little use). Also pulling out the fuel line with filter(it was clean), I pulled the ropes for a day and a half from the start of this, it finally started. I did the whole yard and around the house, then it died and I couldn't start it again, to where it would run. I could only start both of them for a short while then they would die if I let go of the trigger. So I brought the old one to a dealer for repair, he said the carbs are a pain in the butt, so he just orders a new one for $45 plus the gasket. I told him to save the carb for me to tear down and fix for a spare. The new W-E I brought to a friend 4 houses down who also works on them, he tore it down and sprayed it out with WD40; and small speck of trash came out of the carb; and he got it running. Now we need to reset the two air screws, which have splines on them. I couldn't a tool any where for them, will try with needle nose pliers.. Here are some things you can do to avoid all this. Buy a funnel with a fine nylon or metal screen attached to the bottom(that will catch any trash). The gas you buy may be clean, but dust settles on top of your gas can daily that you can't see; and can fall in the funnel when you pour gas in the tank. This will also help with lawnpower. Also, buy additive STABIL, use directions: add a little now and then in your W-E; and lawnmower now and then to help them run better, also before storing in the winter, use WD40 as a substitute. They willl keep gas from breaking down like varnish and coating the carb and cylinder. This will make it easier to start the following year. You can also drain the tank, then put a little plain gas in it(small coffe cup), start it up, but don't let it run long. This will remove the glaze from the oil additive left on the gasket, causing it to gum up; and making it hard to start the next year. Then drain the remaining gas. normally I leave the gas mix and let it run at idle speed till it stops(same with the lawnmower). I also use STABIL in the car and truck, per directions, every 3-5 tanks of gas. After 2-3 years if it becomes harder to start, you may have to adjust the two air screws on the W-E, and possibly the idle screw, at idle speed. on both of mine, at idle speed the string hub will stop spinning, then i set the other two. I work on all my equipment; and have manuals, but after pulling the ropes over a 1000+ times, straining both shoulder muscles and my lower back muscles, I was glad to pay the $45...Had back surgery, stomach rupture surgery a few yrs back; and the old hoss ain't what he used to be...I fight it till I can't go, put it away, then fight it some more the next day, then get help. Retired now; and trying not to work myself into an early grave..ha ha. hope this helps.

G A Conner
March 2007
Mend Garden Tools, Grass Trimmers
Mend repair fix Craftsman grass trimmers

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