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Mend 110 Gas Cookers

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Mend Kitchen Appliances, Gas Cookers
Mend repair fix 110 gas cookers

Mend > Gas Cookers

Mend 110 Fan Working Range

Fan oven not working?

The fan in the main oven of my range master 110 has stopped working . Can I repair it or do I need an engineer?

C smith
March 2016
Its easy enough to change the fan motor. Access to the fan motor is usually through a removeable panel at the back of the cooker. You will probably need to remove the fan blades, which will probably mean removing the back panel inside the oven which will, in turn mean removing some shelf supports.

Just work safely (Turn the cooker power off) , carefully and methodically and THINK

Use a bit of paper to note where things go and whch way round they are. Don't rely on memory.

A new fan motor is easy enough to get. Check the exact model number of your cooker and look at online suppliers: say espares or ransomes, etc.

If you search YouTube, there may even be the odd video to help

March 2016
Mend Kitchen Appliances, Gas Cookers
Mend repair fix 110 gas cookers

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Mend Kitchen Appliances, Gas Cookers
Mend repair fix 110 gas cookers