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Mend Indesit Washing Machines

Mend Household Appliances, Washing Machines
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Mend Household Appliances, Washing Machines
Find out how to mend Indesit washing machines

Mend > Washing Machines

Mend Indesit Works High Speed

indesit wd12x works but does not spin at high speed?

my indesit works well all through its program cycle doing the wash process and draining the drum in the correct order however it does not go into a spin cycle at any thing more than a tumble speed . Is it the motor or programmer or relay mechanism, and how can I these the components particularly the motor, I have a multi-meter so I could test the motor in this way but it has various cables running to it ad I do not know which to test against which.

Tony Do It
February 2016
Mend Household Appliances, Washing Machines
Find out how to mend Indesit washing machines

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Mend Household Appliances, Washing Machines
Find out how to mend Indesit washing machines