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Mend Freezers

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Mend > Freezers

Mend Noise Doors Door

Grinding/fan noise stops when doors are open?

E1 ? Grinding noise stops whe either door is open

December 2015
My fridge has a fan to circulate the air - I can switch it to work or not work - it helps to even out the temperature in the cabinet.

When I open the door the fan is automatically switched off to stop the cool air being exchanged with the room air.

My fan does not make a noise - your fan is defective in some way - either a blade is touching the fan enclosure or the bearings are not as they should be.

I do not know what you mean by E1 ?
You do not mention the make or model of the fridge - not that it matters.

Consider switching the fan off if you can.

Good Luck...
December 2015
Mend Kitchen Appliances, Freezers
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