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Mend Neff Electric Cookers

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Mend > Electric Cookers

Mend Neff Oven Find

Neff B1542 NOGb/01 model, ?

I m new to using oven, and I m not able to find the manual and the knobs keep turning 360 degree so cannot find correct tempt setting as whole knob with the markings move , could I also get the knobs usage also plz

February 2014
If you have a printed knob then it does not have the film I spoke about on last post but is a later model. In this case the temp knob should turn almost a complete rotation then come to a stop so if it goes round and round you have a fault. IT will be either the knob is loose on the shaft or the linkage between the knob and selector switch is broken.

February 2014
Mend Kitchen Appliances, Electric Cookers
Mend repair fix Neff electric cookers

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Mend Kitchen Appliances, Electric Cookers
Mend repair fix Neff electric cookers