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Mend Smeg Dishwashers

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Mend Smeg Dishwasher Error Code 8

Smeg Dishwasher Error code 8?

My Smeg dishwasher is showing error code 8 and will not work. I have found out on the internet that this is to do with the alternating valve which has some thing to do with the part load/full load wate reqierments.
Is this some thing I canfix my self or do I need to pay the huge call out charge that I've been quoted plus parts.

September 2013
I dont mind getting my hands dirty and I do have tools but its the knoledge of how to do it I'm laking.Can any one help on this score.

September 2013
purchase and change the valve yourself.Otherwise you have to pay for someone to do it for you.Assuming you have a few tools there is no reason why you couldn't do it but it does involve getting you hands dirty.

September 2013
Mend Kitchen Appliances, Dishwashers
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Mend Kitchen Appliances, Dishwashers
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