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Mend Transit Vans

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Mend Transit Whats Gone Wrong

whats gone wrong?

p lease advise me I have an 02 transit van 2.4 duratorq the main fuse had blown on the battery earth all went dead I changed the lead but when I tried to start the van it misfired like billion it wouldn't tickover and was very lumpy loads of smoke help please mike

June 2013
Is this the fusible link on the earth lead at the front seat?Have you been trying to tow/bump start the motor?These are designed to fuse in these situations and think it is to prevent a voltage spike blowing up ecu`s.I would first remove the fuel filter and check for water ingress,check piping also for chaffing and a code reader may be worth looking at also to see what faults are stored.

June 2013
Mend Vehicles, Vans
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Mend Vehicles, Vans
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