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Mend Central Heating Online

boss therm bps242rf Thermostat is not switching on my central heating?

After downloading the manual online (2 basic pages) I am none the wiser. Inside the Thermostat back cover are 2 buttons under the heading "test" and the other "learn". I have tried to press these and still nothing. The batteries are new and the display is functioning fine. The boiler has hot water, but no central heating. Thank you for any help or advice that can be provided.

March 2013
The heating does not turn on the heating, until I shake or tap the receiver.
Anyone any idea what the problem is.

April 2022
Hi i have changed the batteries on the handset and there is now no display. The heating is still working but i wont be able to switch it off - the batteries are definitely ok. Any advice would be gratefully received.

February 2022
Followed the above instructions step by step.The thermostat still refuses to connect to the receiver.The red light flashes as per instructions but no green light through out. "Would pull my hair out if I had any and her indoors is giving me the look"WOULD BE VERY GRATEFUL FOR YOUR HELP.

Ian looking for help
August 2021
I have a similar issue and have tried resetting the units, but still the heating doesn't come on. My symptoms are:
Switch the thermostat from auto to on (sun icon) having made sure the temp required is higher than the temp shown. The receiver unit reacts - the orange light goes on. But the Honeywell valve doesn't react and neither does the heating go on. If I switch the heating on (override) and manually slide the valve lever to permanently on, then the radiator do heat up. Occasionally, everything does work - just randomly decides it will play ball - but mostly it doesn't work, so am stuck manually sliding levers. Not sure what is wrong and would appreciate any help. Thanks - Matt

April 2020
OK heres my idiot guide to 'binding' the 2 units together. Forward:
Don’t panic it’s easy to reset but follow the steps carefully and I’ve also wrote a quickie version at the bottom.

This thermostat comes in 2 parts

1: The receiver unit which is hardwired/connected to the boiler itself and this will be mounted close to the boiler (normally just under or to one side).

2: The remote thermostat/programmer which is usually mounted on the living room wall.

The receiver unit has 2 led lights on it. The top one should always be green. The lower one will turn amber when the thermostat talks to the receiver to turn the boiler on. When the amber light is on the boiler should be working.

If the top light is red there is a problem, normally for some reason the thermostat has lost its connection to the receiver.

1: Fit new batteries to the thermostat 2 x AA (located at the bottom of the thermostat unit). Does it now work and is the TOP light on the receiver unit green? If yes ok, job done, if not continue down the list.

2: Remove the thermostat unit from the wall by first partly removing the bottom small pozi screw (no need to fully remove). Pull the unit away from the wall bracket from the BOTTOM, if it does not come remove the screw some more. When it comes away at the bottom lift it off the top bracket hinges no need to use any force at all.

3: Take the unit to the boiler and make sure the front switches on the thermostat unit are set to AUTO & RUN

4: Turn the boiler off at the BOILER switch located on the BOILER and NOT the main power switch or you will turn the power off to the receiver also and you will fail.

5: You will see 2 buttons on the receiver unit.
1: the top one is called the Override button
2: the very small bottom one is called the learn button.

6: Press and HOLD the top ‘override’ button and at the SAME time press and HOLD the bottom ‘Learn’ button. You may need a pen to push the small ‘Learn’ button in. KEEP BOTH HELD IN FOR 4 SECONDS and you will see the top led light flash, release both buttons.

7: Next press & hold just the ‘learn’ button on the receiver for 2 seconds.

8: Next, on the rear of the thermostat unit there are 2 buttons.
1: =Test
2: = Learn
Press & HOLD the ‘learn’ button for 2 seconds (a pen maybe required once more). The 2 units should now be synchronizing; this will take 10-30 seconds. Give it time and do not press anything.

9: The led light on the receiver should now be GREEN. You’ve done it. Turn the boiler back on and all should be ok. Refit the thermostat unit by hooking the top of the unit back onto the top wall brackets and lowering the unit back onto the lower securing lug. Carefully tighten the bottom screw.

Quickie Guide
1 Ensure the thermostat unit is set to Auto and Run
2 Turn boiler off on the boiler switch not the main fused spur point.
3 Press both receiver buttons at the same time and hold for 4 seconds
4 Press just the learn button on the receiver and hold for 2 seconds
5 Press and hold the learn button on the thermostat for 2 seconds
6 wait between 10-30 seconds
7 Turn boiler back on.

December 2018
I'm having the same problem. I can get the units to connect to each other then when I get home at night or get up in the morning after the boiler has been off for an amount of time there's a red light on the receiver again.

I got it working a week ago, but when I change the time settings for weekend it keeps losing connection again. New batteries fitted. It does seem to work better if I place the sender unit close to the receiver. Only problem is I want the sender unit in the lounge not the kitchen, It's worked fine in there for 4 years!

November 2018
Where is the SET button on the receiver?

December 2017
Can you please help a very cold family ? Thank you

November 2017
You are a star... thanks for sharing. You solved our problem too. Thank you very much.


March 2017
Hi we have had this problem since Friday, we can fire it back up but it keeps loosing connection. Anyone have any ideas?

February 2017
Thank you so much. It worked exactly as you instructed. Heating came on immediately!

January 2017
Thank you so much, MickR for the fabulous solution! We used the procedure you suggested and it worked!
Thank you for sharing!

January 2017
Thank you Mick R. Followed your instructions tonight and fired up straight away. Really appreciated that you took the time to share. Dave G

Dave G
November 2014
Thanks MickR, this solved our problem too!

Much appreciated!

A bunch of cold students!
January 2014
Remove the back of the handset by means of a screw, gaining access to two buttons. One "test" and one "learn".
Take the actual handset to the boiler and to the reciever panel.
Then press the "SET" button on the reciever, immediately press the "LEARN" button on the handset. The orange light on the reciever should flash.
Then push the "TEST" button. The orange light should go green. Turn the boiler on and all should work.
I have followed these steps today and it worked fine.

March 2013
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