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Mend Ford Focus Brake 02

How do I get the disc of my Focus?

I am changeing my brake pads and disc on my Ford Focus 02 plate estate. I have taken the brake caliper off but I cannot remove the disc. Any help much appreciated.

July 2012
Thanks ChickFan, I will give them a good clean and a light grease. Thanks again for yor help.
Kind Regards,

July 2012
They can and do rust on. Make sure you clean all rust off the hub before you fit the replacement discs if you want them to run true. I lightly grease them on assembly so that they don't rust on next time, but only very lightly.

Don't get grease anywhere near the disc braking surface.

July 2012
Thanks cdc, I did check to see if there was any grub screws or any thing holding it on but there doesn't seem to be. I did give it a couple of light taps with a 20 oz hammer. I will try the 2lb one on it tomorrow. Thanks again for your help.
Kind Regards,

July 2012
there might be a grub screw attaching it to the hub if not it may be seized to the hub,if you are replacing it then try a 2lb hammer to release and shock it off the hub.

July 2012
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