if the old programmer & roomstat are working ok at the moment i would strongly advise against replacing them for something that is supposedly more "accurate" or boasts fancy features like "optimum start"
lets say your old roomstat is inaccurate & apparantly switches the heating on at 15 degrees in winter & summer everytime
you are going to expect your new roomstat to do the same arent you?
you now have roomstat replaced for a digital version that wont switch the heating until room temperature falls a couple of degrees below 15
you are now going to complain your new roomstat is faulty & your gas bills have gone up because your accurate digital roomstat wont switch the heating on until target temperature is a couple of degrees above room temperature
dont fall into this trap
there is nothing wrong with the new digital roomstat
its just that you are so used to using the old roomstat you end up being unable to break old habits & expect the same level of performance from new as you got from old
people are very set in their ways & refuse to adapt to new gadgets
you have been warned
May 2012