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Mend Video, Televisions

technika lcd32-407B ?

i have a technika lcd32-407B lcd tv which was given to me.when its turned on it sometimes buzzs loudly from the display...or no buzzing. sometimes when its turned on there seems to be a lot of hissing,low buzzing comeing from the power board which eventualy gos away....then on some occasions it dos start up after iv turned it on and of a lot of times.
all the capacitors look ok. iv checked the voltage on the leads that plug in the board on the right hand side under load and its fine....any help??

January 2012
this is the same power board as mine

is there any particular ones i should change??

and can i use any make??. i notice that there are a lot of different makes available.

February 2012
Change the capacitors. they may be faulty without that bulge in the casings. Remember rated life may only be a few thousand hours, and no matter how good the manufacturing process the performance will vary across a batch of them- some worse than others. It's a low cost exercise anyway.

February 2012
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