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Mend Peugeot 306 Problems

Peugeot Idling Problem?

Hi all, could really use some guidance on this,

I have a 1998 peugeot 306 2.0 XSI and recently i have been problems with its idling.
The needle on the rev' counter oscillates between 300 - 1500 rpm,
and more often than not the engine just cuts out. The problem
occurs when the clutch is pressed down. This problem is intermittent,
it will happen on only a few days in a month, but when it does happen it will continue
throughout the entire day!

I have read similar problems on this forum, along with their solutions, but no one has
really come back and said that the problem has been fixed

Any help or advice is greatly appreciated

Thanks in advance guys!

October 2006
i think the problem sounds like the one i had my 206 kept rev up and stalling brought it too peugeot garage they put it on the computer and said nothing was worng with it then i was told it was water temp senor by a mate. i had to replace three off them to fix the problem now its going find

the post man
July 2007
I had a similar problem with my 2000 306. After two visits to a mechanic, it turned out to be the 'idle speed sensor' apparently. The first visit he cleaned the sensor, and on the second he replaced it. It cost me about £80 in the end.

December 2006
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