ok i solved it if you have the same problem this is how I fixed it. Firstly remove plug from socket and ensure the power is off The lcd display in the freezer door needs to be removed it is fairly tricky as it is a tight fit use a small flat blade screw driver and insert at the bottom of bezel and prize as gently as possible there are two lugs that need to be prized out I broke one but not a problem as it is going to be replaced shortly. Once you have removed the display there is only one multi plug to remove. Remove it as behind the lcd display is the display module which is the part that needs to be replaced available from partmasters for £26.99 http://www.partmaster.co.uk/cgi-bin/product.pl?PID=1732027&query=beko%20ab910s please make sure you get the same colour as your fridge. You can check if it is this part that is at fault before ordering simply by as i have removing the part as above and simply plugging the fridge back in and for me voila my fridge is working as normal only problem is i do not know if it will cut out when the fridge freezer has reached the teperature as normal so try this in the day when you have time to monitor it. Hope this helps
December 2011