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Mend AEG Tumble Dryers

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Mend > Tumble Dryers

Mend AEG Dryer Empty Water

AEG 56800 Condensation dryer stops with "empty water"?

My dryer keeps stopping with the "empty water" button light up and the stop/start button flashing. The clothes do get warm but dryer stops very soon after starting. There is no water in the tank and the heat exchanger has been completely cleaned.
Any ideas please?

October 2011
if you can hear the pump running then may be it is blocked somewhere?. Only you know if you can take the back off and have a look.If you feel up to it have a go.disconnect from mains before doing off which will allow you to remove a side panel

October 2011

wow - that was a fast reply, MANY thanks! Makes sense as there is a noise at the back. Tank is at the top so suspect pump is the issue. Can I open this up myself and take a look? Replace it?
Many thanks

October 2011
if the tank is at the top it has a pump in the back to lift the water.if that has blocked or failed you get your issue.If it has a tank at the bottom then it could be blocked with fluff not allowing water to escape in to the bottle.usually pump is at the bottom back corner and requires a side panel to be remove to gain access

October 2011
Mend Household Appliances, Tumble Dryers
Click here to mend AEG tumble dryers

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Mend Household Appliances, Tumble Dryers
Click here to mend AEG tumble dryers