If it that hard to pull, I would think something is siezing up. Have you used correct oil and ratio of oil into petrol? How long since last start, If some time, Drain all fuel mix, take out plug, pour some oil in, just a bit, few mil, let it run round, leave a day or so, then try starting with fresh fuel mix. While you have the plug out, check the gap, manual should tell you what it is, but about 30 thou, will not be far off. If you want, again while plug off, touch plug to a good earth point on unit, and pull the cord, should be very easy to pull, as no compression, should see a good spark. If no spark, could be cable or coil problem. But make sure good connection of plug to metal. If still difficult to pull with plug out, you do have something siezing up, again good oil all round, even try wd whatsit.
September 2011